Monday 2 June 2014

It's raining poo in Rome


Starlings have been flocking to Rome for decades, but this year financial cuts have left Italy's capital covered in poo... literally.
The distinctive birds have been spending their winters in Rome for decades, at first settling in the outskirts of town and then moving closer and closer into the main hub, drawn to the heat radiating from the city buildings.
The starlings spend their days eating olives in the nearby olive groves scattered around the city suburbs, then they return to the centre of town in the evenings ... and do their thing ... in streets, on cars, on buildings and on statutes.
In the past local authorities had the budget to minimise the mess, implementing novel strategies like mimicking loud falcon cries (to scare the birds away) and pruning the olive trees.
This year, however, budgets were cut and local authorities were not able to take the same measures, leaving residents and travellers to fend for themselves, the Herald Sun reported.

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