Saturday 25 August 2018

12 Things You Should Be Doing On Linkedin


Are you maximizing your Linkedin Profile? When you attend networking events, are you connecting with who you meet on LinkedIn in addition to taking their business card? How often do you post on Linkedin? Are you posting with a purpose? These are just a few questions you should ask yourself when thinking about your Linkedin strategy. The following steps will also support you in maximizing your efforts on Linkedin.
1.)   Get your custom URL. This is great to place on marketing materials, your email signature, capability statements and or your resume. Use your name so that you are easy to find when your audience is searching for you.
2.)   Use a professional headshot for your profile picture. If you have a business page, use your company logo. According to LinkedIn, company pages with logos get six times more traffic.
3.)   Showcase events, information, and tools that support the story of your business while providing valuable resources to your clients. The information that you share should connect with the messaging of your personal/professional brand.
4.)   Use keywords that describe your experience and skills so that those searching for you via Sales Navigator or Recruiter can easily find you. This will also make it easier for those looking to network within your industry to find you. In addition to keywords, select at least six skills that you are good at so that your connections can endorse you to support the fact that you are a subject matter expert in the area.
5.)   If you have endorsements, you can relocate them to the top portion of your page. This is a great way to showcase the fact that you are supported as a subject matter expert. Also, don’t forget to list your volunteer experience. This helps others get to know you and what you are passionate about.
6.)   Utilize comments as an opportunity to be conversational and offer genuine insight as a subject matter expert. You have valuable insight to share. Don’t be afraid to share it.
7.)   Find groups that are relevant to your industry or offering. You can utilize tools such as The Linkedin Group Directory and the Discover Page to find groups that align with your target audience.
8.)   When joining groups, think about quality over quantity. You will want to evaluate how active the group is, the type of content being discussed, as well as if the group’s members could be a great extension of your network.
9.)   If you are going to use InMail Ads on Linkedin, remember that messages with 500 characters or less have a higher CTR than longer messages. The time that you have to capture your audience’s attention is brief. Therefore, get to the point of the problem that you solve fast.
10.)   Maximize your audience expansion when using ads. This advertising tool is built in the Linkedin campaign builder and it targets LinkedIn ads to the specific groups based on your selection. For example, If you target people with a certain skill, Audience Expansion might also show your ad to people who have similar skills. Therefore, be specific when developing your ad strategy.
11.)   When you pay for an ad or “sponsored content”, you can use the embed feature to add larger images at 1200 x 627 pixels images which have a higher click-through-rate (CTR) than sponsored content with smaller images.
12.)   Post daily and get visual. Posts that include pictures and or video have higher engagement. Those featuring YouTube videos also have a higher rate of being shared.
Networking should be maximized online and offline if you are trying to solidify your presence as a subject matter expert and connect with those in your industry to grow your brand. Using Linkedin to build and leverage your network is a valuable strategy that when done consistently, can yield positive results.
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LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner reveals 3 tips to build a successful career



Building a fulfilling career could be helped along by doing these three simple yet significant things, said LinkedIn chief executive, Jeff Weiner.
Have a clear understanding of what it is you ultimately want to accomplish. A lot of people don't know what they're really looking to accomplish. To that, he said, "If you don't know exactly what that is, take the time to understand and optimize for two things — your skills and your passion and not one at the exclusion of the other."

Andy Ryan | Stone | Getty Images
Surround yourself with great people. Don't just focus on your manager or your boss; it's all about the team. Weiner said, "It's the people you work for, the people you work with and the people that work for you. Make sure that you're not compromising on that front."

pixelfit | E+ | Getty Images
Always be learning. Weiner said it's critical to constantly acquire new skills to help prepare for the jobs that will be, and not just the job you have. "The days where you could learn a trade, regardless of where you went to school and be set up for the rest of your career, I think those days are fast coming to an end," he said.
2U, online learning
Melanie Stetson Freeman | The Christian Science Monitor | Getty Images

Monday 3 July 2017

How to Make Someone Who's Angry at You Suddenly Become Nice (Even If He's a Stranger!)


4 Steps to Fix the Situation

Every situation is unique and you’ll have to determine how to best approach an angry person in the moment. However, in most cases, the following tips and techniques apply.

1. Don’t Retaliate

The number one rule is to avoid retaliation. No matter what someone does, you can’t attack back. This will only make the person angrier. A common example of this is when someone gets angry and cuts you off in traffic because you’ve been driving slower than they’d like. If you respond by cutting them off, this will infuriate them even more.
As hard as it can be, never repay an angry action with another angry action. Even though you feel disrespected, you have to put your pride aside and move on. Make sure you don’t come across as sarcastic, though, as this can infuriate an angry person even more.

2. Show Your Care

Instead of acting angry, show the person that you care about their situation. You’ll find that angry people are often that way because they feel misunderstood. Taking the time to listen may be enough to change their attitude. Depending on the situation, here are some good lines:
  • Can you tell me what’s wrong? Maybe I can help.
  • I’m sorry you feel that way. Is there something I can do?
  • This should have never happened. How are you feeling?
Little lines like these are enough to get the angry person talking. You may eventually be able to help them see past the problem by letting them talk it out.

3. Make Yourself Human

If the angry person is directing their malice towards you, the quickest way to reduce frustration is by making yourself seem more human. Tell them how their anger makes you feel – i.e. scared, confused, or anxious – and be sure to let them know that you mean no harm in your words or actions.

4. Lighten the Mood

You have to be careful with this technique, but a mean person can often be quelled by lightening the mood. Consider telling a joke, flashing a smile, or adding perspective to something that isn’t really that big of a deal. Knowing when to do these things will get you far in life.

Don’t Let Someone Else Ruin Your Day

When it’s all said and done, it’s impossible for you to control someone else’s emotions. No matter how hard you may try, some angry people just want to remain angry. If at all possible, don’t let them ruin your day. Choose kindness and you’ll be the better person.

Sunday 19 February 2017

Chest Exercise - Arnold Style

Found this on the net for chest exercise - Arnold style.....check it out!!

Monday 16 January 2017

Leg Press Variations

Did you know different foot placements on the leg press machine effects different parts of your legs. Take a look.

Took these images from a Facebook page on fitness and gym workouts

Friday 13 January 2017

How to answer these interview questions!!

Hi guys found some interesting stuff on think Facebook is not always about people posting dumb pictures.....its about informative stuff too. Like I found a bunch of presentation slides helping in answering these usual but tricky questions in a job interview. This might give you an edge maybe in the next interview you attend. I don't have the source link for this, but thank you for the person who made this public.

Hope this helps.....sorry couldn't put this in order!!

Legendary Workouts!! :)

This is how Legends Workout - Try this!!......I know I will

Source: A Facebook Page by the name of "Gym Workout Chart"

Tuesday 15 November 2016

15 clever psychological tricks that everyone should know

The following psychological tricks will make your life easier and help you cope with stressful situations. They’re well worth reading.
  1. When a group of people laughs, people instinctively look toward the group members they feel closest to (or want to feel closest to).
  2. Chew gum or eat food if you’re doing something that would normally make you feel nervous. It tricks a primal part of your brain into thinking you couldn’t be in danger because you’re eating.
  3. If somebody is angry at you and you stay calm, they’ll probably get angrier, but they’ll be ashamed at themselves later.
  4. If you ask someone a question and they only give you a partial answer, maintain eye-contact and stay silent. The person answering will usually assume that the original answer wasn’t good enough, and they’ll keep talking.
  5. Emotional expressions are one way to cause emotions. If you want to feel happy, smile as wide as you can.
  6. Don’t say or write, «I think» or «I believe». It’s implied anyway, and it sounds like you lack confidence.
  7. Before interviews, imagine you’re old friends with your interviewers. You’re in charge of the way you perceive your situation, and your comfort will be infectious.
  8. If you make yourself be really happy and excited to see other people, the next time they see you, they’ll probably be a lot happier and more excited about it. (Dogs do this trick to us all the time!)
  9. People are more likely to agree to a smaller favour if they deny a larger one or two first.
  10. Many physical effects of stress are the same as those of exhilaration (e.g. heavy breathing, speeding heart, etc.) If you reframe your threatening situation as a challenging one, your stress will become exhilaration.
  11. Most people can’t tell the difference between brilliance and confidence. If you seem like you know what you’re doing, people tend to rally around you.
  12. If you work in customer service, put a mirror behind you. Customers will be nicer because nobody wants to see themselves being a jerk.
  13. If you’re in a group meeting and expect someone to take you to task, sit right next to them. They’ll lose the pack mentality that makes them feel safe to attack you. At the very least, they’ll mitigate their meanness.
  14. When you’re on a first date, take your date somewhere exciting. They’ll associate you with that thrilling feeling.
  15. Try to notice someone’s eye colour when you meet them. People like you more for the slightly increased eye contact.

Tuesday 4 October 2016