Friday 6 February 2015

Creepy Text pranks

Did you know that if you wake up between 2 and 3am for no reason, there’s an 80% chance that someone was staring at you.

Someone sent me a weird video. It was of a clown dancing alone in a room. It was a bedroom. Then I noticed something that scared me. It was your bedroom.

Did you know that if you fall asleep with moonlight shining on your face, you will never wake up… Goodnight.

There is a killer on the loose in ur area. Close ur windows lock ur doors. Pray he doesn’t find u.

Did you know that if you are in bed and your legs feel itchy it means a ghost is passing through you… Goodnight.

Did you know that cats and dogs can see ghosts. If ur cat/dog is staring at thin air it means they are looking at a ghost… Goodnight.

Did you know that for every 200 people that you meet on the street every day… 2 of them are ghosts. Goodnight.

My friend forwarded this MSG? He said it’s from a ghost. I can’t understand it. Can u decipher it?
0nh P33N I h73NO7 O5 W,I 35V37d 3W d73H



  1. Plagiarism huh?

    1. I don't think so, I put the source of the article so as to make sure that everyone reading it understands I am not publishing this as my own.

  2. My friend forwarded this MSG? He said it’s from a ghost. I can’t understand it. Can u decipher it?
    0nh P33N I h73NO7 O5 W,I 35V37d 3W d73H
